Now you understand the difference between science and $cience. Covid is not when it all started, just the most egregious example that _finally_woke many up. Even HIV/AIDS wasn’t the first. The disingenuous definitions, etiological hypothesis, and epidemiological response for poliomyelitis may have been the first large scale instance.
Now you understand the difference between science and $cience. Covid is not when it all started, just the most egregious example that _finally_woke many up. Even HIV/AIDS wasn’t the first. The disingenuous definitions, etiological hypothesis, and epidemiological response for poliomyelitis may have been the first large scale instance.
Now you understand the difference between science and $cience. Covid is not when it all started, just the most egregious example that _finally_woke many up. Even HIV/AIDS wasn’t the first. The disingenuous definitions, etiological hypothesis, and epidemiological response for poliomyelitis may have been the first large scale instance.
Many are still fast asleep.