...and also the jab produces spike for a very long time, partly due to the stability of the pseudouridine modified RNA, and now we know about the plasmids, DNA producing spike forever.
Vaccines, not infection. With infection the virus uses your cells to duplicate themselves, with the vaxx only s. p. is produced, and it goes to the surface of your cells. And eventually they're released into the bloodstream. On top of that, the virus most of the time stays in the respiratory system and doesn't go to organs. Most studies that conclude that long Covid is the virus in the body 1) they inject s.p. in rats bloodstream, which is not what happens in real-life, 2) don't disclose the vaxx status of humans studied.
This is a good question. The injectables cause your cells to express spike proteins on their surface, leading to the issues this article discusses. AFAIK (I'm not an expert, just reading stuff) the virus causes your cells to produce and release new viral particles (which eventually kills the cell if your immune system doesn't do so first) and NOT express spike proteins on their surface. So, in the former case (cells in) organs will express spike. In the latter, (cells in) organs will release viral particles but not express spike. (Hopefully someone with domain knowledge will correct me/verify this.)
Does this only apply in the case of the 'free' spike from mRNA gene therapy products ? i.e. not the disease itself ?
it clearly means the infection too; the spike is the same in both. The wild infection will include other proteins
the difference being, the vaxx contain much much more spike protein and it goes directly into the blood through injection.
...and also the jab produces spike for a very long time, partly due to the stability of the pseudouridine modified RNA, and now we know about the plasmids, DNA producing spike forever.
very sadly true, and it takes the body a very long time to break down the LNP fats
only directly to the blood if they hit a vein during injection, but probably within 6 hours otherwise
Vaccines, not infection. With infection the virus uses your cells to duplicate themselves, with the vaxx only s. p. is produced, and it goes to the surface of your cells. And eventually they're released into the bloodstream. On top of that, the virus most of the time stays in the respiratory system and doesn't go to organs. Most studies that conclude that long Covid is the virus in the body 1) they inject s.p. in rats bloodstream, which is not what happens in real-life, 2) don't disclose the vaxx status of humans studied.
This is a good question. The injectables cause your cells to express spike proteins on their surface, leading to the issues this article discusses. AFAIK (I'm not an expert, just reading stuff) the virus causes your cells to produce and release new viral particles (which eventually kills the cell if your immune system doesn't do so first) and NOT express spike proteins on their surface. So, in the former case (cells in) organs will express spike. In the latter, (cells in) organs will release viral particles but not express spike. (Hopefully someone with domain knowledge will correct me/verify this.)