May 24, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I had a single demyelinating event in 2007. Nothing since. Early in the vaccination push I found 5/7 case studies that showed the mRNA vaccine caused MS, two that exacerbated pre-existing MS. I can send the case studies to you if you like. I brought the case studies to my neurologist to get a vax exemption, but he refused to look at them. He told me that he would "force vaccinate" everyone if it was his decision. When I told him that would be against our civil rights he said, "I"m from Canada, we don't care about such things." Indeed, Canada...

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I had a frozen shoulder last year after COVid the year previous. I still get heart palpitations and bowel problems. The physio told me he had seen an awful lot of frozen shoulders and join problems. He asked me if I was jabbed in that arm . I said no ,but I know why you are asking. I did give him a link to this substack . Great open minded guy .Thanks for the info & dedicated hours Walter. People are under the opinion it's only the jabbed dying.Its clearly not as I know a few on the un jabbed Facebook community that have died suddenly. Also two that are under 50 and have had strokes .

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On the Wahls Protocol, you eat lots of:

Meat and fish

Vegetables, especially green, leafy ones

Brightly colored fruit, like berries

Fat from animal and plant sources, especially omega-3 fatty acids

But you don't eat:

Dairy products and eggs

Grains (including wheat, rice, and oatmeal)

Legumes (beans and lentils)

Nightshade vegetables, which include tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers


she was in a wheelchair for 4 years with ms, before starting this diet, she’s pretty much normal again.

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I was diagnosed with MS after I participated in an advanced 2001 HIV vaccine trial in Seattle.

I do not know if this was an early MRNA vaccine, I suspect it was. I did react and produce some HIV antibodies for a few years. The MS demyelination was pretty sever from 2002 through 2008 and NAC and antibiotics did seem to have an effect in slowing it and reducing brain fog. I did not really start to recover until I went full keto diet in 2020.

Just a data point. My MS doctors and a neurologist refuse to link the vaccine trial to the MS.

I never did develop HIV even though I lived with an HIV positive partner for 20 years.

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Just saw someone (mid 30's) who looked awful and they told me they have MS.

They didn't have it pre-2021, or atleast showed no symptoms of it.

Hands black and blue, red marks everywhere, using a cane.

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There are also cases in the literature of CIDP caused by the COVID injections (chronic immune demyelinating polyneuropathy, similar to MS).

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T cells also magnetize to EMF, as they contain ferritin. The good news is that we can help our immune system by building our melanin (also located in neuromelanin/substantia nigra) with timed Sunlight:


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Very believable, sad so many don’t! Have seen many die in family and friends, all injected. Now a friend with Myasthenia Gravis with no early symptoms, straight into inability to swallow or talk emergent care with feeding tube and two plasma infusions over two weeks no progress.

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I had long covid spring 1920 and followed lectures by many American and British doctors and seminars on youtube to try to figure out the remedy, thanks a lot for t hose. My own doctor did nothing. Also music journalist Gez who took on himself to make interviews, scrutinize reports and journals in the field, compare stats and made regular youtube presentations. IN one of those there was a doctor propagating for Niacin or B3, having had lots of clients all over the world and taking this med himself. So I tried, double dose as it was, and got my life back the same afternoon!..... not so later on but started ordinary dose 500 which I am still on and getting along rather, fine almost like before. Tried to augment but got nausea so stopped. So this tip I would certainly like to forward, for the benefit it may have. The niacin can be had non flush, as it brings along a certain redness to some. I have long been taking acetylcystein when ill, also with very good effect. Blessings to everybody - it is a good thing we all react and get politicians to start the accountability!

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Excellent article. I am a Mechanical Engineer, not a Cell Engineer. But I have been self-learning about the human cells. Despite the medical terms, I can understand this is potentially the reason why many die suddenly, suffer painful symptoms. I hope scientists continue to probe the issue.

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In the graphical abstract of the paper by Shin Jie Yong


You could substitute Endotoxin for the heading SARS-CoV-2; Cytokine Storm for COVID-19; Known effects of Cytokine Storm for Long-COVID

For example, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Abdominal Pain


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Sorry, I forgot to mention another good advice by the Youtubers, which regards breathing against long covid. That is count to five in and then five out with tummy breathing and closed mouth, which on the out breath gives good effect to calm the body. Over all, no excessiveness what so ever, always calm down the body seems to be the idea for keeping up.

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Ah, and this is why people collapse with no fall reflexes - no alarm out, no neck flexion to protect the head. Eeek.

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NAChRs were reduced in 66 % of sudden death infants or fetuses compared to 11% controls. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1759091417720582 nAChRs are invited inannoyingly.


Excess nicotine causes hiccups, annoyongly.

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Excellent analysis, reading, writing and motivation. Getting the spike protein out of the brain, getting inflammation, stickiness and dryness off the brainstem fenestrations and hypothalamus fenestrations ( the windows the spike proteins come through... that allow virus to follow) rebuilding the myelin, restoring sphingomyelin. The new findings of thickened basement membranes of capillaries means collagen is being affected and stiffened. Healthy collagen sheets remain our friends in throwing off the spike protein polymers that clog our lymphatic vessels, organ structural support, blood vessels and connective tissue. I find a little elastin and a little epigenetic healthy steroid (cortisol or budesonide) does wonders - along with piezomagnetic vectors-to communicate with collagen. This can all make sense if we gather information with our hands - and then search out the anatomy and molecular biology. There is too much information to start with every new bit of science from 5000 regulatory genes ... and then make guesses.

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