Brilliant--and terrifying. Thank you for continuing to shine light with these excellent questions in such a potentially fruitful direction. I am truly wishing and hoping that our leaders and medical experts will sit up and take interest in these questions you're asking.

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I fear that, for our leaders and medical experts, it's working as intended.

At the very least, these same "leaders" and medical "experts" have proven their inability to accomplish their jobs and must be removed from positions of power and influence.

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This is getting fascinating ... and dangerous, by the day.

Thank you for making it easier for all of us!

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Every time I read an update like this I ask if China knows this and what the scientist that defected early on would say about this? I think the answers would be yes and yes it was designed to do this.

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Aren’t they dead now?

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Hey. Maybe. I am fairly convinced the spike protein possesses mutagenic qualities. First off we have seen reverse transcription being possible in the Lund university liver cell study. We also see post vaccine long haul syndrome being uncannily similar to long-covid. You should see Dr Bruce Pattersons cytokine mapping. And those conditions are again similar to CFS/M.E and Gulf war syndrome, or even chronic Lyme disease. My guess is mitochondrial gene expression is changed or altered. But this has a significant effect on various systems as cells perform their functions poorly without reliable energy systems. Correct me if I am wrong.

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Would Fluoroquinolone toxicity fit you list? Beatrice Golomb noted an overlap between Gulf War syndrome and Fluoroquinolone toxicity.

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I think I can answer some of your questions, I’ve spent the last several months analyzing data from the only study with public sequencing data after vaccination (DOI:10.1038/s41586-021-03791-x). It’s hard to overemphasize the similarities between vaccination against COVID-19 and infection with HIV-1. Both HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 specifically infect T cells via CXCR4 and CD4, platelets via CLEC1B and macrophages via CCR5 (and potentially LRP1). Viral RNA from both HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 vaccines induces production of mRNA editing enzymes APOBEC3A in monocytes and APOBEC3G in T cells. However, while the expression of APOBEC3G after HIV-1 infection is protective (the enzyme is defeated by the virus after some weeks), it was recently demonstrated that APOBEC3-mediated edits to SARS-CoV-2 strongly promote viral replication, propagation and persistence (DOI:10.1101/2021.12.18.473309). The first vaccine dose induces a 3-fold increase in APOBEC3G across all cell types while the second vaccine dose induces a 6-fold increase in APOBEC3A. In 5 of 6 participants the second dose induced novel monocytes (“Cluster 8 cells”) that expressed CD14 (a marker for classical monocytes), CD1C (a marker for dendritic cells) and programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 (CD274), in addition to extremely high levels of APOBEC3A and high levels of APOBEC3G (more than was detected in T cells).

Another mystery is that after the second vaccine dose a small subset of T cells started expressing genes that are normally exclusive to erythrocytes, including hemoglobin subunits (HBB, HBA1, HBA2, HBG2, HBD, HBM) and ALAS2 which participates in heme biosynthesis. These genes were expressed by some cells identified as CD4 T cells in 6 of 6 participants on Day 42 post-vaccination (the last sample day of the study). I initially assumed that this was because the T cells had formed aggregates with platelets and erythrocytes—similar to those found in HIV-1 patients—but I’m not so sure that this is the case anymore. Reverse transcription and integration of both SARS-CoV-2 and mRNA from vaccines was shown to be possible in vitro dependent on LINE-1. After integration of HIV-1, transcription of the integrated provirus is exclusively mediated by cyclin-T1 (CCNT1) which activates elongation of viral RNA by RNA polymerase II after an interaction with HIV-1 Vif. Vif also binds CCNT2 but this interaction is not believed to activate elongation. Since CCNT1 and CCNT2 are involved in cell cycle regulation, they generally control transcription of different proteins from the same protein families with opposite functions. During my investigation into the COVID-19 vaccines I identified 19 genes that were correlated with hemoglobin subunit beta (HBB). 17 of these genes (89%) were either CCNT2 target genes or had family members that were CCNT2 target genes. Unfortunately CCNT1 target genes aren’t listed in the ENCODE database.

Genes correlated with HBB that are also CCNT2 target genes: HBA1, ALAS2, KLF15, WDR31, GPC1, FEZ1, EMP2, EREG, RBAKDN

Genes correlated with HBB, with CCNT2 target genes from the same family: CHRNA1 (CHRNA5), HIST1H2BM (HIST1H2BA, C, D, F–H, J–L, N, O), ADPRHL2 (ADPHRL1), TREML2 (TREML1), NT5C1A (NT5C1B), OTUD6A (OTUD6B), SLC8A1 (SLC8A2), SLC24A5 (SLC24A2)

Genes correlated with HBB, with no relationship to CCNT2: PF4V1, TFEC

In my opinion it is too big of a coincidence that almost all genes correlated with hemoglobin after vaccination have some kind of relationship with the transcription factor that is required for replication of integrated virus. I think it’s plausible that the hemoglobin mRNA detected in T cells is not a result of aggregation with erythrocytes, but rather that it was transcribed by the T cells themselves during the transcription of integrated spike protein mediated by CCNT1.

It has been debated for a while whether the integrated spike protein could be transcribed much later on (like HIV-1), and unfortunately data was recently published online (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE200274) providing a pretty strong indication that this is actually the case. Macrophages from 6 vaccinated (1–3 weeks after dose 2) and unvaccinated subjects were purified and stimulated in vitro with either bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) or recombinant S. This is exactly the same experiment that is normally performed to distinguish latently infected T cells from uninfected T cells. Latently infected T cells begin transcribing integrated HIV-1 after stimulation with LPS while uninfected T cells do not. Since the investigators in the macrophage experiment did not test for expression of S, I believe it is valid to use APOBEC3A as a proxy for expression of S. It has been demonstrated that APOBEC3A is directly induced by S mRNA from the vaccines. APOBEC3A is expressed by cells after exposure to viral DNA and RNA, and as such it should not be expressed after exposure to bacterial LPS. The data shows that macrophages from 5 of 6 vaccinated, but 0 of 6 unvaccinated subjects started expressing APOBEC3A after exposure to LPS, and the difference was significant (p < 0.01 using t test).

Therefore, I believe that macrophages/CD14 monocytes, likely also CD4 T cells and platelets, and potentially even CD8 T cells and classical dendritic cells may act as latent reservoirs of spike protein. Transcription of spike protein probably requires immune cell activation and therefore it may only be transcribed during other bacterial or viral infections, like HIV-1.

I’m new to Substack and I’m still not really sure how to include links in comments, but if you’re interested I can provide more references and figures to support my claims.

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Nice. I am definitely interested re your references/figures, always good to read the data for yourself😊

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on links you could just copy and paste as per regular comments anywhere.

WMC post regularly and you might want to include your comment in his next post.

I am suggesting this because might be difficult for him to follow up on comments to past posts, but easier to follow up on new comments to the most recent post ... just a thought.

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Goodness! I wish I knew what you were saying. It doesn’t sound good, though.

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As this was a new term for me, a definition for the lazy:

occult infection

An infection first recognised by secondary manifestations—e.g., increased neutrophils in the circulation or fever of unknown origin—often caused by a bacterial infection in an obscure site—e.g., a subphrenic or other intra-abdominal region

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"Has the Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 naturally evolved to have perhaps the most profound amyloidogenic capabilities of any human virus to date"

Nah. Lots of viruses have that capability. HIV also causes amyloid to accumulate. More recent research shows HIV has a protein attached that causes amyloid to accumulate leading to neurodegenerative disorder called HAND:

HIV Regulation of Beta-Amyloid Production


However the accumulation of beta-amyloid is far less in older patients under drug therapy yet they still have HAND suggesting the beta amyloid isn't what drives the neurodegeneration:

Brain and liver pathology, amyloid deposition, and interferon responses among older HIV-positive patients in the late HAART era


"Does this mean that Long COVID is due to the presence of undegraded Spike Protein causing systemic amyloidosis, in particular, microvascular deposition?"

No because long covid isn't a real thing, or at least that is what recent papers are coming out with. A recent study (closed the browser, pubmed it if you want it) found, when compared against a control, that the long covid group were generally less healthy (obesity etc) and had higher anxiety issues about their health. As in other studies, they couldn't find any immune or physical reason for the non-specific symptoms like "no energy" and "feeling lousy". Another earlier study I remember found the majority of people with long covid actually had no N antibodies meaning they never actually had the disease, but all had the belief that they did. "Long covid" with over 250 non-specific symptoms with no physical cause is looking to be the new fibromyalgia, a type of hypochondria that has always been with us.

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I am deeply offended that you believe long COVID is made up. Please do not comment on my substack again or I will block you.

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From what little I’ve read on the topic, it appears to occur at similar frequency & severity after SARS-CoV-2 infection & influenza infection.

In this perspective, it’s real enough, but not obviously distinguished from analogous post viral syndromes already identified.

Is this anything close to your opinion?

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I am new to this substack and may have already missed it…but I would appreciate a great resource about Long Covid and how to treat it. Since having Covid (August 2021) I have not felt the same. (I did not get the jab.)

My sense of taste and smell is just returning-but not fully. Garlic, onions, bell peppers and coffee are still off.

I experience malaise and fatigue that comes and goes through out the day. I don’t seem to have the mental sharpness that I used to, I forget the simplest things and become confused easily. I’ve been blaming menopause! My body is weak but I push myself to swim 3 days a week and have been under the care of a chiropractor, along with Physical therapy. I have seen some improvement with my strength, but I’m not where I thought I would be.

I have been sick 3 times since Covid. Again this is all new to me.

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A doctor gave me a prescription of Ivermectin for my long Covid symptoms, and it worked. The dosing was 18mg on day 1 and 4, then every 7 days for a month. It took away brain fog I didn’t realize I had, restored more sense of smell and taste, and got rid of the horrible smell of gasoline I was experiencing.

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Tried Luteolin? Read testimonies that this helped to speed up revovery.

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Have you tried (human-grade) ivermectin?

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Thank you… no I have not. Although I took Hydroxychloroquine when I had Covid.

I have seen advertisements for ivermectin to help “clear”? Spike protein. I have not acted on it.

I am hoping to get more information first.

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I took HCQ towards the end of my covid sickness. It was really hard on my stomach and I was almost better anyway...so I only took it for a couple days. I didn't have IVM because it was so expensive. I ended up finding a deal after my covid was over and got it just in case. Then took it 6 weeks post-covid as a trial. I was amazed how my energy came back.

I think that HCQ gets more recommendations but IVM did something different for me.

I wouldn't take the animal IVM because there are other things in there. But if you can get the IVM human-type...that's worth a try. At least it helped me.

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p.s. Someone was saying recently to take Vitamin K? while on IVM to protect your body... IDK... I only ended up needing one dose...so it probably doesn't matter unless you are going to take it for long-term.

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(deleted a comment as it was off topic in hindsight)

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Sorry, but I had Long Covid and tested to have good antibodies twice. I also do not have comorbidities, nor do others I know who have had Long Covid. Just as there are multiple symptoms of Covid, there are multiple symptoms of Long Covid. They just haven’t been organized yet because of bias like yours.

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Is EBV one of those viruses?

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And what would be your take on chronic EBV and associated EM/CFS and fibromyalgia? Are they also psychosomatic? They look quite real to me, after 21 years post mono.

I would really like to know your opinion and science on that matter. 🤗

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"long covid isnt a real thing" ... how about this (video and study below) ???

numbers are huge, 1 in 5 says CDC; in such case could well be at least 2-3 times more.


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Bruce Patterson has done a lot of work on the S1 and S2 segments of spike infecting monocytes, still measurable 15 months post-vax.

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I am sure others have asked this question but it would be great if you wrote an article about what could be done to break down these new amyloid. Maybe we don't know yet but any info that is available would be invaluable. Thank you.

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I believe it's capable of more destruction after being cleaved.

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At the beginning of the pandemic I saw a video from some scientific conference in which a Chinese scientist spoke on the research being done on Corona virus. (She has since disappeared from the planet.). She was showing videos and explaining how they had grafted parts of at least 8 viruses into the Corona virus. She specifically mentioned using part of the HIV virus that helps invade the cell membrane.

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Tell me again this isn’t deliberate Proteine poisoning. From a bioweapon.

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Interesting - but I’m not sure how Long Covid could wax and wane if that’s the case. What is the rationale for that, if you don’t mind?

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Basic immune response to anything... every part of the body is involved... hormones fluctuate so why wouldn’t immunity to anything invading your body? Makes perfect sense to me esp b/c I’m a female and our bodies are constantly in flux.

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I guess I wa thinking if it’s amyloid deposits causing it that it would just get progressively worse, considering they don’t break down-from what I understand.

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You didn’t mention that in your original response. The amyloid deposits. But again it could be the innate immune response. Person and dose dependent. As the body is instructed to produce more “Spike proteins” antibodies over time the persons immune system is overwhelmed. Only what I’ve learned here. I’m not a MD but makes sense

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Is the reason “older people” get Alzheimer’s due to their vaccines?

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