Oct 30, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Well, rest assured, we won’t be getting any straight answers from the media.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

climate change ... people just die earlier

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Exactly my thoughts too. It's a shame the truth will be hidden for as long as they can. Eventually this can of worms is going to explode.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I will try to look it up, but something similar to this happened in Africa maybe a year ago? A bunch of young people died in a club. The story I heard is they just collapsed and died. When I heard about this today, that's what came to mind. And my first reaction was that somebody is testing something nefarious.

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turned on the 5G?

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Ha, I never listened to that garbage...but I'm listening now.

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Could be a trigger but there has to be another piece to the puzzle.

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IMHO not correct.! Watch Neuroscientist Dr Kevin McCairn and learn about such things as Amyloidosis.

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I am not saying there is no amyloid, but there must be something else, external, that could affect 150 people at the same time

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That one was linked to tainted alcohol which killed the young people.

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My first thought is that adrenaline makes the spike proteins in the body go wild (whether from a Covid infection and/or the jab or both). Just like at the Travis Scott concert. There is also the element of the music being played at a certain frequency...I remember hearing the music that was playing when the people died at the Travis Scott concert and I had to turn it off because it made me feel horrible (I am unjabbed).

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I remember the mention of the frequency as well...

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That's an interesting idea.


"Studies have found that exposure to high intensity ultrasound at frequencies from 700 kHz to 3.6 MHz can cause lung and intestinal damage in mice. Heart rate patterns following vibroacoustic stimulation has resulted in serious negative consequences such as atrial flutter and bradycardia."

(Exploiting Technical Opportunities to Capture Advanced Capabilities for Our Soldiers; Army AL&T; 2007 Oct–Dec; Dr. Reed Skaggs.)

(Air University Research Template: "Non-lethal Weapons: Setting our Phasers on Stun? Potential Strategic Blessings and Curses of Non-Lethal Weapons on the Battlefield"; Erik L. Nutley, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF; August 2003; Occasional Paper No. 34; Center for Strategy and Technology; Air War College; Air University; Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.)

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What kind of music was it? Electronic?

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Yes, and I believe the frequency that was being played whilst people were dying was 440 Hz? If you go to about 8:08 in this video you can hear the music that was going on in the background while the deaths were happening (people were screaming at him to stop the show and he ignored them...even when there was an ambulance in the crowd):


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Thank you for the media link. This is not EDM/techno; it's plodding hip-hop/rap. How anyone can enjoy it, I don't know. It's part of the "Urban" genre -- which is, as others have noticed, largely depressing. There are lots of extravagant visual effects, but IMHO, the "Music" itself sucks big time. 440 is simply a standard (note "A") tuning pitch, and it isn't present any more than other tones. Setting the atmosphere aside, the deaths seem to be a matter of crowd movement, not the music.

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I don't want to burden myself with watching that... Did it sound like normal techno ?

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No, not to me. It made something inside of my body vibrate. And just my personal opinion, but it sounds demonic.

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Vibrations are what self-assembling nanotech and viruses need to assemble. Once assembled they then can go to work. Or simply form bigger sheets of graphene to form blood clots.

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Not a stampede - because there wasn't one. Not a crush because it was not a limited space. Young people do not die in these events in these numbers because they have the agility and strength to get out of the way.

So is this astroworld 2? Something like Havana syndrome.... External EMF signal precipitating cardiac arrest in a susceptible population?


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The music I could hear playing in the Korea videos sounded so very similar to the Travis Scott music. Sounded like the same frequency. It gives me the chills when I hear it.

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That was the impression I got but I couldn't get much info from the sketchy videos

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The laneway where the deaths occurred was extremely narrow. Australian eyewitness accounts describe a crush. In a Tik Tok video, Nathan Taverniti said he tried to grab Grace Rached out of the suffocating chaos but wasn't able to. 'I was there when she said she couldn't breathe and I grabbed one of my friend's hands,' he said in the TikTok post. 'There was no stampede, it was a slow and agonising crush.' … He earlier told a South Korean newspaper: 'All I could see was a wall of people … it was impossible (to save her).' Olivia Jacovic, a 27-year-old West Australian living in Seoul, told Channel Nine how she and her friends narrowly escaped the deadly crush after taking 40 minutes to get out of the subway stop at the site. 'It was really hard, I had bruises on my arms from trying to manoeuvre out but we got on the sidelines luckily and we were standing up on this brick wall and we could see above,' she said. 'It was just shoulder-to-shoulder, people couldn't breathe, the shorter people were trying to look up in the air to get some air.' Local reports say panicked revellers became trapped and struggled to breathe before many went into cardiac arrest. Apparently, in fatal crowd disasters, compressive asphyxia from being crushed against the crowd causes all or nearly all deaths, rather than trampling. Being crushed results in hypoxaemia which causes of cardiac arrest.

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Yes I get the mechanism. But it can't have happened in that alleyway. The capacity of the alleyway is small, and it is open at both ends. Therefore it is not possible to have a crush situation there. Anybody who remembers Hillsborough will understand what makes a crowd crush. You need an enclosed space. I guess that's why they started off with the stampede story, because these have happened (mostly at the Hajj). Then they changed the story within hours to a crowd crush. Now a crowd crush makes a bit more sense but not in that area. The street is open at both ends and therefore a crowd crush cannot happen. All the videos also show that the police that were there were standing in an open space, with a line at the front of the "crowd" that was under no pressure from behind. And they police made no effort to let people out into the space they had. So it's a lie.

Here is a picture of the alleyway on google maps https://t.me/c/1596660509/79661

And here is the map reference https://www.google.com/maps/@37.5349984,126.9933725,3a,75y,173.64h,72.21t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sMOAbE_bVh3uWRx573wZscA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i35

The capacity of that alleyway is actually small, maybe a few hundred people. For 150 people to have died (instantaneously) of cardiac arrest suggests something else happened. Young people don't just die (well, they do now apparently). And if there was a crowd crush it *should* have turned into a stampede of people trying to get out of the alley, but it didn't. There is *no* video of a crush or a stampede.

This is Astroworld all over again. There wasn't a stampede or a crush there either, and video is corroborative. Did anyone investigate those deaths? Why not?

In the Korea case the CPR attempts were ludicrous. I have no idea why they had video showing completely bizarre attempts at CPR but it doesn't explain the underlying story. Did people die? It seems that way. What did they die from? Not a crowd crush and not a stampede.

The rest is speculation, but it is ominous.

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Thank you~~I saw that video where the police were standing in front of the crowd, but in an open space and could not figure it out...it seems the police would have been trampled?

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

Startling video of an obvious seizure... If only we had details/footage of the other victims there...

As for Korea, I've been to Itaewon (on Halloween!), and acknowledge the cited problem of tight spaces, as well as the hilly terrain, which I haven't heard mentioned. You do NOT want to be caught in a dense crowd on unlevel ground, anywhere. I'm not too surprised that this could happen, but I AM thoroughly shocked that the death toll is so high. I hope they can reconstruct what happened, and make corrections that will prevent future tragedies.

Since S. Korea is highly injected, it's quite likely that some/many had heart difficulties under stress; the question is how many? It's terribly heartbreaking to see people trying to resuscitate so many young victims. They were just out for some fun, after years of confinement. :-(

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I suspect adrenal accumulation of the LNP’s in the HPA is causing disruption in chromaffin cells (metallic NPs/neutral charge of cationic lipids - see Gadboit) and leading to catecholamine dysregulation/storm. That’s why cardiomyopathy’s presenting as Takotsubos. Stress is a major trigger- SADS seems to be more frequent in firemen after fighting a fire, singers on stage, etc.

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It would be cool if you could spell out those initialisms. LNP I know is lipid nanoparticle, but the others are lost on me. Also, who is Gadboit and what is Takotsubos (or should it be Takotsubo's?). I gather that the last is also known as broken-heart syndrome?

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HPA regulates adrenaline. Ties the heart to the brain in stress response: https://youtu.be/QAeBKRaNri0

If you’re really interested, Cadegiani has an excellent primer on catecholamine trigger for myo but imho gives short shrift to the likelihood of LNP involvement https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358834540_Catecholamines_are_the_key_trigger_of_mRNA_SARS-CoV-2_and_mRNA_COVID-19_vaccine-induced_myocarditis_and_sudden_deaths_a_compelling_hypothesis_supported_by_epidemiological_anatomopathological_molecular

Jessica Rose has done work on adrenal accumulation (see her substack).

Gadboit circles all around this issue & is generally brilliant - https://twitter.com/gadboit/status/1501125236066074625?s=20&t=Ikv-rCClNY9JyI-kKWACnQ

Walter is brilliant too, but I personally see more difference in outcomes from vaccine exposure than natural whole virion than he does and want to understand that.

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HPA=hypothalamic-pituitary axis.

And that's a very interesting hypothesis. Catecholamine dysregulation also correlates with POTS. (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thank you.

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This is the part that seemed odd to me:

"Their bodies were reportedly found strewn across tables, chairs and the dance floor with no visible signs of injuries."

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at the time they claimed it was a mass poisoning, but I never saw a follow up report

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I do remember seeing a follow up report that it was confirmed to be due to tainted alcohol. I don't have a copy of that though.

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That may very well be the actual cause, but I am at point now that I do not trust MSM reports about events like this. The initial reports may give clues and reporters may unknowingly disclose information that may be crucial. Later reports I always wonder about. Who's manipulating the information? Etc. It's sad, but that's where we (or at I am) are.

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See my note above, methanol can't kill this way. It could have been something else, but unlikely given that they all died so close together, after the doors were locked and something injected into the air.

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I thought I read someone had a theory that alcohol triggered something deadly in the vaccinated. Darn if I can find it now.

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The methanol didn't kill them. Methanol poisoning is a slow kill as it converts to formaldehye, and ethanol is the antidote. And if they were drinking, they were protected. (The ADH enzyme that converts methanol to formaldehye has a much stronger affinity for ethanol. Methanol poisoning is treated by giving ethanol to keep the ADH enzymes busy, while the methanol is passively cleared through breath, sweat, and urine.)

It sounds like an adrenaline-inducing experience, to say the least -- having the doors locked and some unknown gas injected! The missing info is whether they were all or mostly vaccinated...

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Some kind of RF trigger. See the C-130 flyovers in Rwanda as reference. 10-12 foot folding dish was used. Literally mass murder and made people insane with rage. Bill Gates had been there previously injecting the local population with his poison.

This is likely sub 1Ghz down to 50Mhz, might include amplitude modulation.

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

I was thinking of the sonic and microwave weapons that the Australian police have started using on protesters. These can apparently cause strokes, clots, cardiac arrest, and organ damage.

Combine that with the potential electromagnetic responsiveness of some of the vac components: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/irrefutable-proof-of-self-assembly

This stuff is outside of the realm of medical textbooks though, so it is challenging for med researchers to keep up with what's going on in the nano / materials / Darp. -funded world. And people working in those spheres often aren't able to openly publish things on PubMed.

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The tech is related and it looks similar. The crowd control uses higher Gigahertz frequencies (~60Ghx or thereabouts). That frequency won't penetrate skin, it's not that penetrative like the lower frequencies like 900Mhz. That's the reason frequencies like 900Mhz are used for cell phones, it can penetrate into buildings, so you get your cell call inside. Looking down to magnetic frequencies like 12 Hz, in that area, you can manipulate people's feelings and make them angry, happy or relaxed. Follow the link below on Operation Crimson Mist, they weaponized this for Rwanda, which was a test case. There was a big vaccination campaign ahead of this event (and Bill G was seen there). My belief is the vaxx enhances this effect by turning the body into an antenna for other frequencies. We'll need to do more research in this area. Here's a Google link that shows what they were doing to monkeys and some other interesting articles you can dig in to.


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There was an article in the 1990s in Popular Science where the US military had a sonic weapon that could induce fear or rage. Just program it for a specific frequency and BOOM, there you go. They were going to use it for "crowd control".

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I think that song was called "Safety Dance".

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First I've heard of this. 1994? Do you have a reference?

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Alex Livingston, in the last week I found a lot on it but haven’t had the time to read the articles on it. Research Operation Crimson Mist, Rwanda, think it was 1994.

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That's it. Would be easy enough to test with a simple antenna with shielded backplane, signal generator and portable power generator, but if it worked, you'd end up killing some people. You'd have to try in a remote location and do it on vaxxed blood samples.

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It might be easier to create this experiment than you'd think if you only need blood samples.

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I too find this very curious, have been watching all day to see what people are making of this.

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

I am reminded of that Travis Scott concert in Houston, TX where several people died... that one also mentioned "cardiac arrest" when I'd expected it to be suffocation or crushing.

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I remember reading eyewitness accounts at the time, that said there was no crush in a rush to the stage, that people just started falling down

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Sudden Adult Dead syndrome strikes again. Nothing to see here, people. Move along.🙄

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Could millimeter waves (5G) have enough of an epigenetic effect to manipulate biological functions?

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Someone I follow on Insta said something similar - 5G radiation poisoning - and that part of the city is a "smart city." I don't know enough to comment on likelihood.

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We've had multiple events of birds dropping from the sky that remain unexplained.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NePo18aXHI4 Hundreds of Blackbirds Fall From Sky All at Once #Shorts

5,000 birds fall out of sky in Arkansas town -- North of Louisiana Border https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFf90-AwT84

This location in Arkansas is within the HAARP belt (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). Here's a news report talking about the radar surge at that time:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEQLYlQ8bao 'Dead birds and radar anomoly Arkansas link Haarp'

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Me either.

I do know some waves have mutagenic or epigenetic effects. Radiation (gamma waves) is the obvious one. But microwaves and UV light can too.

I wonder if it's not 5G poisoning as such, but by pulsing the waves in certain ways whether they have the capacity to influence or excite certain biological processes.

Complete conjecture but I am curious.

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maybe not a biological process but electromagnetic effects on graphene oxide reported to be in many batches

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It's not complete conjecture, there's a couple of articles published on how 5g can induce covid like symptoms. We don't have to understand the mechanism to understand it happens.

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From 2020 - https://mobile-magazine.com/5g-and-iot/seoul-exploring-capital-5g

Perhaps efforts to normalize in the 2022 Amazon prime movie "Don't Make Me Go" ?

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Cardiovascular damage + sympathetic dysregulation + extreme stress = happy fun times for everyone

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If you have the cardiac function and limited stess capacity of an 80 year old then an incident like this would be enough to be life threatening. View it as a possible sentinel incident. Disturbing.

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Doorless Carp, indeed, a seminal event. 

If you have not already done so, please read Doorless Carp's latest Substack article.   Totally brilliant.  Hard for a dumbo like me!  Thank you so much! 


Original Antigenic Sin observed: "Ablation of CD8+ T cell recognition of an immunodominant epitope in SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants BA.1, BA.2 and BA.3"

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My thoughts exactly - something is not right. Makes no sense. Also: 100,000 people there, and yet no one filmed it as it happened? I have seen no images of it as it was actually happening. None. Normally this would be all over the internet.

Very very strange this.

I believe South Korea is well vaccinated.

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Good point, it will probably happen slowly and built up. People would have been screaming, drawing people to see what was happening, unless the music was really loud and it was hard to hear those in distress.

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My guess? DEW deployed as “crowd control” .. this would bring about a catastrophe of this nature. Why some more than others? How many of those who died had been vaccinated? We know that a build up or a deposit of heavy metals in your body/organs has potential to work very well with 5G .. take a look at the amount of LEDs, surveillance equipment in the area too. Question .. the response from emergency services, in numbers, was fairly immediate and high - think too .. had all those body bags on hand so quickly too - it’s me thinking here and using what knowledge l have to wonder .. was this a trial exercise, a warning? This type of event would certainly make many extremely cautious about demonstrations! We KNOW that “they” have done everything possible to ISOLATE people and deny them “social meeting places” An example of this on a small scale is my very large village community hall where lots of social activities take place for all ages, there is a bar there too .. it is full of plain clothes (because they have been incentivised to live on new build estates) police officers! Think about it folks .. and let’s hear your views!

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Longtime reader/lurker and I just created a full profile to say…. NAILED IT.

I love Walter’s work and have been an avid reader for a long time, he has taught me more than any teacher I ever had regarding science issues, but this…..this was absolutely a DEW; although, I am open to a possible Havana Syndrome hybrid, too. It was too coordinated, too everything…and it is close if not a “smart city”. DARPaaaaaaa’s paws are in and on this, methinks. We are living in wild times, for sure. Was this a test? A warning? A sacrifice? The latter only mentioned since we are very close to a high holiday for some of them.

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That makes so much sense. The ability to drop people in large crowds when they are "misbehaving" (without using obvious violence) would be quite the tool for governments to use, wouldn't it? *mind blown* And to be able to use the "crowd crush" excuse makes it tolerable to the average citizen...and as a warning that "crowds can be dangerous~~stay away from large crowds."

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