So many forces out there are conspiring to hide the origins and nature of this manufactured evil. There is no excuse at all for its creation. None. Getting to the bottom of this, in such a scrambled world of competing political and elite-driven media narratives may be impossible. I’m latching onto those I feel give us the best chance. Walter Chestnut is an obvious choice. Thank you sir.

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I second that statement!

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Damnit, autocorrect keeps adding a “T” to “Chesnut.”…. But I don’t think it’s a conspiracy.

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Jul 23, 2023
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Fossil fuels are a myth. Every plant produces oil. In fact you can generate biodiesel from algae. In 1 day. They bury tech because they can’t make money off the plebs. Hydrogen power is another solution. Think you need to go back and take some science courses. If you believe all that crap written about oil reserves. You don’t think they lie or falsify data. You probably believe in climate change to. While the psychopaths fly around in their private jets

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Maybe, Fast Eddy…. But I ain’t buying the peak oil theory.

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Jul 23, 2023
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Not gonna argue with you. Peak oil is certainly a tantalizing theory. But I look at the deep state/CIA, DOD, behavior since the 1940s, and the steady trajectory leading to the present.

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Jul 23, 2023
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Your argument distracts from more pertinent issues. Before a knee jerk response, think about this. :)

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Thank you for this insight, Walter. Horrifying as it is. The Devil's hands have been busy.

It is consistent with what we know of The Monster's Agenda; and it is consistent with what we are seeing in the world around us every day. The human carnage stacking up from the undeclared Democide against us all.

A bioweapon that can kill very quickly, or quite slowly; depending on where it finds purchase within us.

The physical, cognitive, cellular destruction of a species.

This is why they can't stop. Won't stop the killing.

Can we block the destruction? Neuter the killchain, within? Save those who have been poisoned but have not yet suffered the effects?


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My most asked question - OK, so who's working on treatments/cures

for the damaged?

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Yes. Excellent question. Hard to believe how little progress there has been, until one remembers the murderous intent of The Monster.

Logically they would have needed a 100% effective counter simply due to the shedding risk. They aren't in their bunkers yet, so they must feel safe. From particle blowback (and clearly, from any other kind also).

What is giving them that assurance they won't be hoist on their own petard?

There would also be people they would need to keep safe, for the after. A way to administer it unknowingly to people.

These people are psychopaths and their plan will fail because it is flawed and they are insane. But protecting yourself from the weapon you employ is day 1 stuff at Democide School.


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The deliberate release of a bioweapon without first developing an antidote is almost unthinkable. That's not to say that the hubris of the responsible psychopaths isn't blinding them to the fact that they are human beings as well - demons in the flesh, but made up of cells just like everyone else - and they think they're somehow shielded from the fallout. Shedding is real. Fortunately for those who are now awake there are protocols to follow to clear the spike protein from the body and profilacly protect ourselves from the shedding of the uninformed who continue to get their boosters. Good people not privy to the existence of a possible antidote have been hard at work to combat this bioweapon from the beginning. For instance, Dr. Ana (I can't ever properly spell her last name, but she has a good substack) has very successfully used EDTA therapies to clear the spike and injected nanoparticles, and normalize the blood. Dr. Peter McCullough and his colleagues through his foundation are about to publish a guide for the measures to take, which include taking nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin. There are multitudes of good people working very hard to inform the masses and to bring them and us hope.

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Like a fine wine, this stack should be paired with this one: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-is-the-cell-danger-response

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Team them both but also take into account that the more profound the mitochondria are compromised, the more likely the cell danger response is "stuck" in "protect" mode. Then have a look at the reaction caused by unsaturated* fats within the mitochondria. That will give and idea of the extent of the damage done and to come.

*yes, I meant to specify "unsaturated". The best possible explanation so far is https://raypeat.com/articles/nutrition/oils-in-context.shtml

Like HIV, it doesn't have to be an automatic conversion to "AIDS" death or cancer sentence. It will depend on the individual and their unique factors. The immune system is not what we think it is and it has exquisite layers and backups. I hope people can remember this, instead of going into further stress mode (fear).


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Ray Peat is a fascinating person. I've been binge watching/listening to all his interviews etc over the last few months. I just started on his articles with that one you posted!

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I've known this for a long time Walter, largely as a result of your insights."COVID-19" was always only ever a prodrome. SARS-CoV-2 is an oncogenic, immunocompromising virus that is far worse than HIV. The spike protein, whether from infection or transfection, is pathogenic.

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I do not believe that there was ever any infection. There was no evidence for an actual infection other than false PCR tests. The vaccine spike is the issue.

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I agree that it's the vaccine spike that causes most if not all of the toxic issues. I had a fairly severe case of covid in 2021. In 2022, I underwent a complete series of heart tests to be cleared for a back surgery. ( I'm 70 yrs old). Everything was normal. The people that were dying from covid were older with co-morbidities. All the health problems for younger persons showed up after the vaccine rollout. The spike protein that the body produces after the mRNA nanotech injections is far more toxic than the disease.

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There is an infectious virus. Phylogenetic trees from independent research from many nations all over the world proves this conclusively. The jab is the ultimate weapon, far more harmful than the virus.

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Your right. Because it’s caused by slow radiation these people fail to look into emf. We are being slowly microwaved. Look how many tracking towers went up around you in the last few years. Radiation destroys cells.

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Great work again Walter, thank you for providing the research to back it up.... This link won't play on my phone for some reason (it might have been from The Highwire originally) but the description is still there:

"Dr. Francis Boyle reveals that Early trial Covid vaccine recipients in Australia test positive for HIV, due to genetic composition of covid virus. Interview from 2020"


I remember an early paper mentioning HIV glycoproteins within the spike composition, are these the mechanistic cause of spike mimicking AIDS function?

Brilliant article as always Walter thank you.

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Wasn’t it Luc Montagnier who said everyone who took the jab should get an aids test?

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He said ‘for those that took the third dose, get an aids test. Then sue your gov’t.’

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This possibility is horrifying, since almost everyone has gotten Covid-19 (and thus exposure to the Spike Protein), and billions have added exposure through the vaccine. This reminds me of the Bible scripture at Matthew 24:21-22: "...for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved..."

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Thank you Walter. Thank you for all your amazing work. Peace.

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I think Luc Montagnier was on to something...


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if you dont mind, how do you read it for the layman out there??

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I asked an Immunologist PHD what was going on in this article this is their reply..

“It looks like T-cell memory doesn't last that long after COVID infection. It might be a general feature of all coronaviruses or, more likely, we still don't understand the whole basis of natural immunity and are therefore looking for its separate components.”

The immune system is more than T and B Cells, antibodies etc and 80% of the immune system is in the gut. The main thing is we have a body that copes with life, germs, viruses, bacteria, fungus etc every day and if you don’t choose to personally trash your own body you fend off the bogey men.

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yes, i agree. dr. arne burkhardt clearly distinguished between vaxx and virus infection in his findings. He said when the virus comes in the immune system is waiting, whereas in the vaxxination, it goes directly through the blood bypassing the immune system. having said that even the vaxx might have their chance depending on similar circumstances. i dont believe in that whatsmybatch bs or placibo - most likely all jabs real, unless destroyed unintentionally simply high volume to produce.

you might want to show your immunologist PHD dr. burkhardt presentation (a real hero!). https://www.bitchute.com/video/U4d72SLd54l2/

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I’ve never fancied being shred from within, it’s not on my list of wants. Thank you for sharing this wonderful Doctor, he says about the sperm in the injected and recommends not having children with them injected people. What a wonderful product hey!

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Every 10 months, for how long?

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170 Plus Research Studies & documents help Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19 as far superior than COVID 'narrowly focused high affinity, vaccinal specific immunity;




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Even so...Extra 6-12 months is not that great.

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We’re in a big psyc-op full of BS and lies, you can live in FEAR if you like that’s your choice. 🤡

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"The SARS-CoV-2 2 virus and its Spike Protein infect virtually EVERY cell."

A healthy person would nail the virus at the respiratory stage with IgA antibodies. On the other hand, the lipid nanoparticle encapsulated synthetic mRNA (for spike protein) injection has the opportunity to infect EVERY cell. A disaster.

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This same mechanism is at play in children who were thymectomized during heart surgery (had their thymus organs stolen), when they contract Cytomegalovirus CMV, a common childhood virus. The thymus organ replenishes T-cells after attack by viruses like AIDS and CMV. Thymectomized children cannot replenish their T-cell pools. Neither can AIDS patients once they become immunodeficient.

This is why in the 80's thymuses taken from infants during heart surgeries were implanted into AIDS patients to help them recover. Never mind children like my son will die if they ever get AIDS, are exposed to chemotherapy.

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Whoa.. can you give references for this practice .

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Yes. Please go to my substack. My sons story is there with medical references which link out to PubMed and other journals

These thymectomized infants have been used as lab rats for 5 decades. They continue to steal infants thymuses to this day and write medical journals on their immunodeficiency. Recent articles say thymectomized infants are at risk of severe covid, cancer, autoimmune diseases and early death

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This is just one more horrific human practice. News to me. The ghouls get away with anything under the cover of darkness. Thanks for shedding light. Immuno-deficientizing one child for another. Criminall abomination. I hope there are no statutes of limitations on your ability to sue.

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Lawyers will not sue because thymectomy is considered "common practice." It is done by most cardiac surgeons across the world. This is why "experts" should never be allowed to say something is safe based on lack of proof it is dangerous.

Fauci's wife is head of medical ethics, not because she wants to protect patient rights but because medical ethics has become a way to evade the law and protect the murderous evil scientists and doctors.

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The ubiquitous “common practice”. Aaaaargh

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More likely rubber stamp her booble-headed hubby.

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Terrible and yet not surprising.

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Thank you.

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Walter, are you saying that it is not possible for the immune system to clear the body of the SARS-nCOV-2 virus?

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Walter's prognosis appears to be for worst case untreated spike proteinitis. There's plenty of info here and other blogs about how to clear out the spike protein and restore health. It's all experimental but potentially life saving.

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I was thinking that if I ever start a non-profit I will call it the Bill Is Spreading AIDS Foundation.

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You missed out mitosis... you see every cell has mitochondria... and the very laboratory working on AIDS back in the 1980’s also worked on CFS and ME ... they knew the connection of viral loads and mitochondrial swelling... take away the bodies ability to remove damaged and defunct mitochondria (often bed ridden or long term I’ll patients who cannot exercise) and bing bang bong.....you get long term fatigue.

It is reversible to a point ... urolithin a (pomengranate) speeds up mitophagy especially in people who cannot exercise ... ME and SARS COV people .. this helps improve mitochondrial function... secondly CoQ10 and magnesium improves ATP the energy switch within each cell.. please do a post on these important points.

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“Duesberg argues that vigorous efforts by HIV/ AIDS proponents to satisfy the postulates have all failed. 118 In Djamel Tahi’s 1996 documentary AIDS—The Doubt, Professor Luc Montagnier admitted that after years of trying, no one had succeeded: “There is no scientific proof.” Montagnier therefore concludes, “that HIV causes AIDS.” 119 Koch’s principles are still taught to every student of epidemiology, but his name is now a source of embarrassment rather than admiration and affection among AIDS researchers.”

— The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


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We waste time wondering how the dinosaurs died out while holding a pistol to our own heads. thanks for the insightful if terrifying explanation of everything.

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Australian Covid19 vaccine resulted in recipients testing positive for HIV. That was the reason it didn’t proceed past the test stage. Is it related?

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