‘So many of you, those that are truly independent thinkers, if you allowed yourself to realize how truly moronic every doctor you’ve ever met is, you not only would never speak to them again, you would put a leash on them.

One that could be seen and held.

In contrast to the intellectual choke collars the medical schools put on each of them.

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lol, man you are so funny!! but you are on point, most of them were blind completely up to 2020, ....but working with people is hard, and helping them as well, so it is not all their fault lol, people love shortcuts to everything , health being no exempt. Blind leading the blind is the best description of almost 90% of doctor-patient relationships. And how patients submit, is worse than what doctors do, in my opinion!

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Fully agree with both of you! Example of utter blind trust in these imbeciles……..my ex sis in law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died within two months. No bioweapon jab, but probably was shed to her. These turbo cancers are beyond brutal!

My point is that these doctors told her there was nothing to be done that could save her! She believed them and went home and died. Gave up. Immediately!

There’s countless stories of people all over the world to receive the same diagnosis and told to go home and wait to die, yet they chose to research and deep dive into the suppressed CURES, and are alive years later because they fought the LIES! Of course their doctors being surprised and don’t understand! Yet, do not seek the reasons why for their next patient!

I’m always amazed at the amount of the population that believe these people have their best interest at heart! They put ALL their trust into humans! So called “experts”!

I understand there ARE many good doctors that truly do their best, but have been blinded and/or brainwashed. Yet, one would hope that they’d search out ALL avenues of prevention and healing for their patients regardless of their own bias!! That rarely happens!

It simply comes down to that you MUST be your own advocate! You MUST not lie down, literally, and take what these doctors say as fact! Not if you want to do everything in your power to survive!

Please pass on this information to anyone you know……thetruthaboutcancer.com

The book “Stepping Outside the Box’ by Ty Bollinger

Those two resources alone may save someone you care about! Within them are further resources. And there’s tremendous amounts of information now of prevention as well!

Cancer need not necessarily be a death sentence! God bless all!

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Diabolical as in by design and wholly deliberate.

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Another great article. Thank you.

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So the bioengineered human spike factories walking around are harming everyone with their spike shedding (independent of viral replication)? Does that include harming pets and wildlife? I know one study showed that spike is produced in the vaccinated up to 168(?) days, but only because they stopped the study. Is everyone afraid to see if it's longer?

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It isn’t just the shedding. We’ve been and are being sprayed, it’s in the food supply, and even water supplies are showing it. From the aerial spraying I’m sure. Some of Dr. Milhalcea’s early research shows that random meat purchases from varying grocery stores had it. We ALL have this evil to some degree! Of course the vaxxers are more inundated.

You might consider reading her here in SS if you don’t already. She just put two books out as well. There are protocols to detox your body of it and continued treatment with natural substances to help prevent further infection.

Many great doctors, scientists, and researchers here to follow that keep us up to date. Milhalcea, Dr. Nixon, the Carcinom Institute, Dr. Kingston, Dr. Ardis, Dr. Group…..just to name a few. We CAN stay healthy!

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Thank you

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The Horror ... The Horror....

The grief, suffering, and despair of the Vaxxers


Should we Forgive the Vaxxers?

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing???”


Indulge in Schadenfreude (SCHAD)

And remember, they would have laughed if you had died.


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They even hang shit on us Un vaxxed who are speaking up for jab-injured.

They ain’t cooool!

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