Hope this isn't a dumb question. Would Quercetin and Curcumin prevent the formation of the neurofibrillary tangles related to SSPE?

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Is there any mechanism that makes you think that?

Without any basis I would ask if vitamin D could have a role in all of this.

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From the article cited below: "Quercetin turns fibrils into protease-sensitive, structurally loose and non-cytotoxic forms."



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Well, it is! Now go back to your room and think what you have done :P!

You made Mom cry :P!

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I only read it once....😎...but I gather that the spike protein of the Covid 19 virus (or part of it) tends to concentrate in the hypothalamus causing the listed symptoms .

Ok, so if this applies to the spike protein of the virus, wouldn’t it also apply to the spike proteins that are made in the body at the direction of the ‘vaccines’?

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Of course I am not certain, but I believe Spike is Spike.

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Thank you. I just wanted to be sure that I understood the point of your article. My scientific training is limited to some undergraduate biology and chemistry courses thirty years ago, so the prose is a bit difficult for me.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

As early as the summer of 2020, research had been carried out at UPMC on generating the measles (virus) to express the coronavirus glycoprotein.

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The same UPMC that shitcanned Jonathon Couey of gigaohm biological?

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Measles doesn't cause reinfections after reinfections like SC2 does, especially in the V'ed

So SC2 can have more potential for protein accumulation than measles do.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thx Walter. Mike Adams has analysed a clot, sodium, aluminium and tin, all conductive

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If you look at Amyloid clots, they contain these metals. I don't think it is anything other than accelerated amyloidosis. Still working, of course.

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I could never, never speak for brilliant, Wondrous Walter, but I believe that he feels that the amyloid clots are attracting the metals. Perhaps he can kindly elucidate his theory on the metal attraction.

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Yes. It's well known if you search amyloidosis, amyloid fibrils and amyloid clots.

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Yes, Walter has been exceptional. Maybe your theory is right. I know 5G never stopped during lockdown

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Aug 20, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I appreciate Walter's work and effort, but I can't help but notice that he is one of the few substackers that I know of that does NOT interact with his readers in the comment section in any way. Frustrating.

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I am working on that. I receive hundreds of emails and comments every day. It is almost a full-time job keeping up! Will put more effort in. Thanks.

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Thank you Walter!!! As Twitter slowly dies, I see the substack comments sections of the leading edge spike protein thinkers taking on more and more import. Not as networked obviously , but high signal-to-noise nonetheless.

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Do you help to fund Walter I wonder?

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passive-aggressive much? Not yet, but I am not a graphene oxide time waster either. Here is another substacker thanking me for the contribution of my ideas - I was pushing an early July preprint as being important. We are all here to learn from each other.


"Commenter Jim H did me the splendid favor of directing my attention to a new pre-print about IgG4. It’s a game-changer.1"

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Aug 19, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Boy, what now? Have you been trying to get back into Twitter? Want me to help you with that?

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Can't seem to get back on. Tried several times. Instabanned.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Caroline Coram on substack has a very interesting theory . I just wondered if you ever had time to have a look . All about arsine gas. I do think you have nailed it but am keeping an open mind .

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Haven't heard of her theory. I will read it, tho.

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If this hsppend in .0001 of measles and cov2 is a 1-3x/year infection, the mental decline of so many is going to be terrible. Wow more good news, thanks Walter 😉

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Sidlin is the transport protein apparently. Listen from 2:11:00 onwards


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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

Joe, I've been listening, and reading comments, and opening links in the comments. In my opinion - This is the first level of disinformation dust. Zero real facts, she is combining complicated things all together. And frankly, it's impossible to follow her logic. It's a form of demagogy, creating multiple false statement with arguments, which are just looking like arguments, but in reality - all her examples only have the same keywords with her thesis.

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