Demons involved with this infestation of POISONING remain 'At Large' and there is nobody trying to indict, try or execute these Genocidal Maniacs nor removing all they've stolen from the world's people over centuries.
William, I have a question for you. I know you never answer our questions in the comments, but maybe you can address it in a future post. So all these devastating consequences of spike, whether via infection or injection, (esp injection) are something that generally, humanity can do little about. The virus is ever-changing, as it will continue to do, especially as long as people are still getting vaccinated, infected, unable to clear it for a longer time, and then reinfected again and again. What do YOU do to protect yourself now and what will you continue to find helpful to avoid exposure? I am unvaxxed, but still don’t like the thought of these pathogens continuing to affect my body and the bodies of everyone I love, including most of humanity… What PRACTICAL tips do YOU practice to avoid, in as much as you can, being exposed while still living a normal, happy life like we all wish to do. Thank you. I hope you’ll address this personally, practically, and soon. The constant reiteration of how dangerous its properties are is hard on people, if they feel they’ve no recourse in preventing continuous exposure and if immunity is down for a variety of reasons, infection and disease. I do nasal rinses after being in stores, crowds, as many do. What do YOU do? Let us know. I’m sure it’s not eating tangerine peels every day…
Get you D3 level up to 100ng/ml, and you won't get sick. I take 45,000 units of D3/week. I basically never get sick. Try it, you'll wonder why you never knew that.
but unless the pathogen changes much e.g. shift instead of drift, you will have natural immunity and will be fine...proper life, nutrition (proteins to ensure immune system is on deck), reasonable sensible precautions, antibiotics if you get a chest infection or any type of lung involvement...ventilation, nasal washes when can
I think you know Dr Steven Pelech, Kinexus laboratory, the intricate unique antibody test. ( Everyone makes a different unique response to the same virus. Most people who had covid don’t make antibodies to the N Protein underestimating natural immunity, that test lol ) He checked his people two and three years later after and they were still immune, imagine that lol, you make IMMUNE MEMORY and that is probably life long like other viruses. He’s written a book coming out soon. Thank you Dr Paul you a good um..
Thank you, yes, I do take between 5000 and 10,000 units of D3 a day. I haven’t been sick since Covid got me in Sept of 22, and even though it only lasted 3 days on the FLCCC protocol, still… I’d rather avoid it entirely. But you’re 100% right— a robust serum level of D is critical to good immune function. Thanks, Greg.
The funny thing is my eye doctor insisted I take 4,000 units of D3/day. I hadn't figured out that was why I almost never got sick in the 20 years since then. Reading plenty on covid it dawned on me the D3 prevented us getting covid, and it was those low in D3 that died from it.
Precisely. John Campbell has done a good job on making this point repeatedly as have many other docs and nurses whom I consider the true heroes during this whole fiasco. I was an NP for a couple decades and I tested ALL my patients serum D levels and repleted them appropriately. “32ng/dl” was not normal or “within range” in my view, even though that’s what our assay test said was in the normal range. I always gave them enough to get and keep, their levels at least 60, preferably 80-100.
If you can afford it, go for the vitamin D supplements containing MK7 (vitamin K2). 180 ug of MK7 for 5000 IU vitamin D should be good.
MK7/K2 should be considered an essential co-supplement to Vitamin D, just like how a trace of copper balances zinc supplementation (1:20 ratio is correct IIRC)
the foreign manipulated proteins from the jabs (and whatever was distributed to prompt "covid") are causing problems via shedding from the jabbed as well -- I'm dealing with that myself. Inflammation is due to the body's attempts to rid itself of the foreign invaders. It's not merely an infection you're wanting to prevent. It's detox on every level to get rid of these weapons. There are several protocols, including baking soda + epsom salt + borax baths, which help me. But it will take a lot of awakening to fully clear out these now environmental-level toxins.
True, but if you live in northern climate , where for at least 6 months of the year (Alberta Canada you need to take D3. My family doctor said most Albertans are vitamin D3 deficient.
That is why I felt the use of ivm at first sign of important to stop the virus from replicating, as it wasn’t known what the heck these spike proteins would do.. Whether or not it provides protection who knows. We can only focus on prayers for our own healing, prayers that God has this, and go after the evil people who poisoned humanity.
Please enlighten this layman. Since the Covid mRNA "vaccine" turns the body into a spike protein factory, presumably the "safe and effective" experimental injections against the "novel" are part of the problem rather than its solution?
The mRNA spikeshots are probably an even greater problem than the COVID-19 infection . . .
if I understand things correctly, and I think I do.
There are quite a few doctors working on "what to do about the spike protein." Dr. Peter McCullough's "Base Spike Detox" is (slowly) helping Long COVID and Long Vax patients. The Wellness Company sells "Spike Support" which, like Dr. McCullough's detox, includes nattokinase. There is also Dr. Brian Ardis's nicotine protocol (on his website under Patient Resources; look for "Nicotine PDF). I had an extremely mild case of the Wuhan strain in March 2020; never took the spikeshots; but have had some shedding from vaxxed friends and relatives and I suspect I've got some spike running loose in my body. I'm about to start Ardis's nicotine protocol plus McCullough's Base Spike Detox and I'll see what happens.
If you got spikeshots, my best advice is "Do everything": Barry Sears's Zone Diet (anti-inflammatory), plus avoid the "Avoid" foods for your blood type as set out in Peter d-Adamo's Blood Type Diet (look on Amazon for the "Food, Beverage, and Supplements Lists" book for your blood type). High dose Vitamin D. High dose anti-oxidants. Only organic foods. McCullough's detox and/or TWC Spike Support. Ardis's nicotine protocol. Sunshine, fresh air, pure water.
Thank you, Kayla, for your detailed and very helpful reply. Congratulations on doing such intrepid research and coming up with possible solutions to problems a lot of people are clearly going to experience.
Inflammation reduces the immune system ability to fight invaders, The spike protein acts like venom destroying organs and causing inflammation. Graphene oxide scours the inside of arteries and veins causing fibrin to build up and block the blood supply. Fungal spores can enter the brain and cause problems and prions cause loss of brain Function. So............... the Indians have natural remedies for venom, take anti-fungal and anti-parasitic drugs or herbs. (joe Tippins). Enzymes for Fibrin. Zeolite, fiber or Damascus earth for cleanse and read Anthony William for diet. Black seed (nigella satavia) will help with the immune system.
Finally, this is just practice, what is next is the real thing, so start reading; MMS Jim Hubble; Killing virus with electricity Hula Clark and Bob Beck; natural anti parasites, antifungals, anti-bacterial and anti-viral as I do not believe there will be drugs around. Teas like cats claw and hibiscus amongst others have surprising qualities.
Dang Walter. Wow. Some Monday news, huh? I've said it before, and I'll say it now: You're doing God's work, sir.
Demons involved with this infestation of POISONING remain 'At Large' and there is nobody trying to indict, try or execute these Genocidal Maniacs nor removing all they've stolen from the world's people over centuries.
William, I have a question for you. I know you never answer our questions in the comments, but maybe you can address it in a future post. So all these devastating consequences of spike, whether via infection or injection, (esp injection) are something that generally, humanity can do little about. The virus is ever-changing, as it will continue to do, especially as long as people are still getting vaccinated, infected, unable to clear it for a longer time, and then reinfected again and again. What do YOU do to protect yourself now and what will you continue to find helpful to avoid exposure? I am unvaxxed, but still don’t like the thought of these pathogens continuing to affect my body and the bodies of everyone I love, including most of humanity… What PRACTICAL tips do YOU practice to avoid, in as much as you can, being exposed while still living a normal, happy life like we all wish to do. Thank you. I hope you’ll address this personally, practically, and soon. The constant reiteration of how dangerous its properties are is hard on people, if they feel they’ve no recourse in preventing continuous exposure and if immunity is down for a variety of reasons, infection and disease. I do nasal rinses after being in stores, crowds, as many do. What do YOU do? Let us know. I’m sure it’s not eating tangerine peels every day…
Get you D3 level up to 100ng/ml, and you won't get sick. I take 45,000 units of D3/week. I basically never get sick. Try it, you'll wonder why you never knew that.
but unless the pathogen changes much e.g. shift instead of drift, you will have natural immunity and will be fine...proper life, nutrition (proteins to ensure immune system is on deck), reasonable sensible precautions, antibiotics if you get a chest infection or any type of lung involvement...ventilation, nasal washes when can
I think you know Dr Steven Pelech, Kinexus laboratory, the intricate unique antibody test. ( Everyone makes a different unique response to the same virus. Most people who had covid don’t make antibodies to the N Protein underestimating natural immunity, that test lol ) He checked his people two and three years later after and they were still immune, imagine that lol, you make IMMUNE MEMORY and that is probably life long like other viruses. He’s written a book coming out soon. Thank you Dr Paul you a good um..
Thanks, Paul.
Thank you, yes, I do take between 5000 and 10,000 units of D3 a day. I haven’t been sick since Covid got me in Sept of 22, and even though it only lasted 3 days on the FLCCC protocol, still… I’d rather avoid it entirely. But you’re 100% right— a robust serum level of D is critical to good immune function. Thanks, Greg.
The funny thing is my eye doctor insisted I take 4,000 units of D3/day. I hadn't figured out that was why I almost never got sick in the 20 years since then. Reading plenty on covid it dawned on me the D3 prevented us getting covid, and it was those low in D3 that died from it.
Precisely. John Campbell has done a good job on making this point repeatedly as have many other docs and nurses whom I consider the true heroes during this whole fiasco. I was an NP for a couple decades and I tested ALL my patients serum D levels and repleted them appropriately. “32ng/dl” was not normal or “within range” in my view, even though that’s what our assay test said was in the normal range. I always gave them enough to get and keep, their levels at least 60, preferably 80-100.
Mine was 86.8 ng/ml a few months ago when I last was tested.
If you can afford it, go for the vitamin D supplements containing MK7 (vitamin K2). 180 ug of MK7 for 5000 IU vitamin D should be good.
MK7/K2 should be considered an essential co-supplement to Vitamin D, just like how a trace of copper balances zinc supplementation (1:20 ratio is correct IIRC)
We gave up sugar and all processed food about 5 plus years ago.
the foreign manipulated proteins from the jabs (and whatever was distributed to prompt "covid") are causing problems via shedding from the jabbed as well -- I'm dealing with that myself. Inflammation is due to the body's attempts to rid itself of the foreign invaders. It's not merely an infection you're wanting to prevent. It's detox on every level to get rid of these weapons. There are several protocols, including baking soda + epsom salt + borax baths, which help me. But it will take a lot of awakening to fully clear out these now environmental-level toxins.
Thought I'd add a link to useful detox protocols. I'm taking a different protease, but same idea.
Mel, @doctorgrouf has what you're looking for:
Good luck!
Thanks, Ol’ Doc.
To be honest, just taking plenty of D3 is all you really need.
To be honest, D3 + K2 is a poor substitute for direct sunshine on the skin.
Supplements are just supplements.
It's too cold where I live to sit in the sun with my skin exposed.
Wait a month 😃
True, but if you live in northern climate , where for at least 6 months of the year (Alberta Canada you need to take D3. My family doctor said most Albertans are vitamin D3 deficient.
This is depressing. But thank you.
Bioweapon, death by a thousand cuts .
Yes indeed.
Actually, triple bioweapons, all using venom technology: Virus with "enhanced" spike protein. Spikeshots. Remdesivir.
That is why I felt the use of ivm at first sign of important to stop the virus from replicating, as it wasn’t known what the heck these spike proteins would do.. Whether or not it provides protection who knows. We can only focus on prayers for our own healing, prayers that God has this, and go after the evil people who poisoned humanity.
Please enlighten this layman. Since the Covid mRNA "vaccine" turns the body into a spike protein factory, presumably the "safe and effective" experimental injections against the "novel" are part of the problem rather than its solution?
The mRNA spikeshots are probably an even greater problem than the COVID-19 infection . . .
if I understand things correctly, and I think I do.
There are quite a few doctors working on "what to do about the spike protein." Dr. Peter McCullough's "Base Spike Detox" is (slowly) helping Long COVID and Long Vax patients. The Wellness Company sells "Spike Support" which, like Dr. McCullough's detox, includes nattokinase. There is also Dr. Brian Ardis's nicotine protocol (on his website under Patient Resources; look for "Nicotine PDF). I had an extremely mild case of the Wuhan strain in March 2020; never took the spikeshots; but have had some shedding from vaxxed friends and relatives and I suspect I've got some spike running loose in my body. I'm about to start Ardis's nicotine protocol plus McCullough's Base Spike Detox and I'll see what happens.
If you got spikeshots, my best advice is "Do everything": Barry Sears's Zone Diet (anti-inflammatory), plus avoid the "Avoid" foods for your blood type as set out in Peter d-Adamo's Blood Type Diet (look on Amazon for the "Food, Beverage, and Supplements Lists" book for your blood type). High dose Vitamin D. High dose anti-oxidants. Only organic foods. McCullough's detox and/or TWC Spike Support. Ardis's nicotine protocol. Sunshine, fresh air, pure water.
Thank you, Kayla, for your detailed and very helpful reply. Congratulations on doing such intrepid research and coming up with possible solutions to problems a lot of people are clearly going to experience.
Inflammation reduces the immune system ability to fight invaders, The spike protein acts like venom destroying organs and causing inflammation. Graphene oxide scours the inside of arteries and veins causing fibrin to build up and block the blood supply. Fungal spores can enter the brain and cause problems and prions cause loss of brain Function. So............... the Indians have natural remedies for venom, take anti-fungal and anti-parasitic drugs or herbs. (joe Tippins). Enzymes for Fibrin. Zeolite, fiber or Damascus earth for cleanse and read Anthony William for diet. Black seed (nigella satavia) will help with the immune system.
Finally, this is just practice, what is next is the real thing, so start reading; MMS Jim Hubble; Killing virus with electricity Hula Clark and Bob Beck; natural anti parasites, antifungals, anti-bacterial and anti-viral as I do not believe there will be drugs around. Teas like cats claw and hibiscus amongst others have surprising qualities.
Sounds like snake, cone shell or something venom to me. Some cultures have cures for venom.
Chessie - Excellent sleuthing. CCL2 (MCP-1) downregulation - melatonin amongst others Mr Mulder