Thanksgiving Hope: Bioactive Components in Functional Foods: Chandran, et al. Provide Us with a Brilliant COVID-Focused Review
Published yesterday (Nov 26th), big winners are Garlic, Ginger, Vitamin D, Broccoli Seeds and Fermented Foods.
List of flavonoids, examples and their food sources.
As our Thanksgiving Holiday weekend begins this evening here in America, I wanted to post Friday Hope early this week, as a Thanksgiving Hope. What I am most thankful for this year, and have been for the past several, is our community of Truth Seekers. Many of us thinkers and writers have weathered the storms of unjust censorship and systemic humiliation to persevere, bringing understanding to the, in my opinion, clearly man-made virus SARS-CoV-2 and its Spike Protein – in ALL of its aspects. And, more importantly, bringing hope for its victims, which, ultimately, are all of us.
I read everything I possibly can, and this week’s research yielded a very wonderful and appropriate review. In fact, it was published just yesterday in the journal Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science. A team of researchers from India wrote a review of functional foods and their impact on health. They provided a special focus on how they relate to COVID.
Please read the entire review. It contains a wealth of information. I will discuss a few of the COVID-specific foods for those who would specifically like the COVID-related highlights.
Indeed, the findings in the review are confirmational to much we have already discussed. Yet, there is some new information which is tantalizing. We have analyzed the benefits of Broccoli Sprouts – however Broccoli Seeds appear to be quite beneficial, especially in reducing ROS.
Usually, the SARS-CoV-2 alters the body’s redox equilibrium, gathers an excessive amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and causes oxidative stress, which harms the lungs and endothelium, triggers a cytokine storm, and results in insulin resistance. Patients with COVID-19 were given broccoli seeds, which significantly improved cough, gastrointestinal problems, and other cytokine storm-related symptoms.
We know Garlic is very important. I particularly like how they describe its effects of inhibiting the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 - “preventing the virus from spreading throughout the patient’s body.” Some readers may not be aware that this is a potential result from inhibiting a main protease.
For instance, including herbs like garlic in everyday meals may improve their flavour and practicality. 136 The primary protease in SARS-CoV-2 can be inhibited by bioactive chemicals in garlic, preventing the virus from spreading throughout the patient’s body. Garlic was found to suppress the secretion of cytokines and stimulate immunity by increasing T cells.
Ginger is touted for its ability to reduce respiratory symptoms.
One of the primary symptoms of COVID-19 is an unpleasant dry cough, which can discharge virus particles into the air and raise the risk of infection. 145 Some individuals have breathlessness as a result of coughing that becomes more intense. Foods that fight infection, like ginger, can lessen coughing. Furthermore, other compounds like 6-gingerol and 8-gingerol would relieve the smooth muscles in the upper air tracts, which lessen the likelihood of coughing.
Vitamin D, for its effects on thrombosis.
Generally, people with COVID-19 have suffered from thrombotic issues linked to a vitamin D shortage. Therefore, ingesting foods high in vitamin D such egg yolk, milk and mushrooms can aid in avoiding the related complications.
And fermented foods for their effects of Nrf2 levels.
Various foods, including cabbage and fermented vegetables, have nutrients that interact with nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2). These nutrients can reduce the oxidative stress linked to the disease.
And, this sentence was, fortunately, actually published:
The side effects created by the vaccines are still unclear.
Are they???
Bioactive Components in Functional Foods, Mechanism of Action and Impacts on Health with a Focus on COVID-19 –A Review
Wherever you may be on this magnificent planet, we should all be Thankful today, this weekend, and every day for the bounty which Nature has provided us. As always, I am thankful. Immensely thankful, not only for Nature but also for your readership, dialog and support. I really mean that when I write it. I cannot do this without you. We have 363 paid subscribers out of our 13,900 total subscribers. A goal is to double that to about 700 total out of about 14,000, so we may be more sustainable. Should we solve COVID and its Spike Protein, Obesity is my other area of research, and those of us who suffer from that metabolic disorder need solutions. There will always be work to do.
Blessings to all, everywhere. And, as those of us in America prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving:
Thank you for your great research.
Food and supplements and essential oils et al are so important in our lives to not just keep us alive but to reverse the aging process itself and age backwards.
I have a huge poster I keep on my pantry door that I have completely covered with written remedies so that they are front and center.
Of course, none of this will work if we don't have the will to live.
So, I say, be a badass and kick fear to the curb. XOXO