Spike Protein Persistence: The Essence of Long COVID and a Danger to All: mRNA Therapy as Respiratory BYPASS
An examination of three papers reveals Spike Protein from any source is involved in Long COVID.
Representative H&E histopathology of lung specimens from 8- to 12 wk-old male Syrian hamsters 5-day post administration of pseudovirus overexpressing Spike protein (Pseu-Spike) or mock virus in control group (n=3 mice per group, 1×108 PFU).
Bypasses. We take them all the time – to save time – to get us where we are going faster and with greater efficiency. Let’s now tell a story about a bypass and a villain named Spike.
Spike really wanted to get to the land of Systemia. He knew if he could get there he could do so much damage to the infrastructure of an entire land. A true dream for Spike. He didn’t want to damage just a city or a town, he wanted to crush the whole realm of Systemia. He knew, however, that to get to Systemia he first had to pass through the mighty city of Respiria. Respiria was well defended and he might not make it through. He needed help, so he texted his friend MyRNA. MyRNA happened to be really smart and said “Spike, my friend, don’t even bother with Respiria! Just bypass it!” He was dumbfounded. Why hadn’t he thought of this? She sent him her special chariot, she called it LiNaPa! Spike rode LiNaPa and bypassed the great city of Respiria. He made it into Systemia and proceeded to lay waste to the realm, city by city! Spike’s dream came true, all with the help of MyRNA!
The point of this story is clear. If the Spike Protein can have unfettered access to the body, it can wreak havoc on every system.
What is the Spike Protein wreaking havoc on every system? Long COVID!
As I have posted on X, a review of Long COVID published January 3rd showed that the longer the individuals were exposed to the Spike Protein, the (much) more likely they were to develop fibrosis.
Prior research has emphasized the significance of the duration of illness as a crucial factor in the development of pulmonary fibrosis after ARDS. The findings of this investigation indicate that a small proportion of patients (4%) who had a disease duration of less than one week, a notably larger proportion (24%) of patients with an illness lasting between 1-3 weeks, and a majority (61%) of patients who had a disease duration exceeding three weeks, experienced the development of fibrosis.
The Multisystem Impact of Long COVID: A Comprehensive Review
Now, this next step is critical. The damage that leads to fibrosis does not require the entire virus. Just the Spike Protein can cause the damage – and the mitochondrial dysfunction found in Long COVID. Please recall the seminal Salk Institute paper from 2021, recapping a study done with just placing the Spike on a benign pseudovirus
Although the use of a noninfectious pseudovirus is a limitation to this study, our data reveals that S protein alone can damage endothelium, manifested by impaired mitochondrial function and eNOS activity but increased glycolysis. It appears that S protein in ECs increases redox stress which may lead to AMPK deactivation, MDM2 upregulation, and ultimately ACE2 destabilization.
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2
So, why is all of this important? Because Spike is Spike. Spike from ANY source is capable of causing widespread damage and disease. How do we know? I have warned of this all along, and it has finally been proven.
This study, in accordance with other published investigations, shows the persistence in blood circulation of viral spike protein in one patient after infection clearance and the negativity of the COVID-19 test, of vaccine spike protein in two patients two months after vaccination.
Presence of viral spike protein and vaccinal spike protein in the blood serum of patients with long-COVID syndrome
So, we arrive at the ultimate point of this post. Spike persists. Spike from ANY source persists. This leads to multisystemic damage and degenerative diseases. Let’s call it what it is. Long COVID is, in essence, multisystemic damage and degenerative diseases caused by the persistence of the Spike Protein.
If one had advanced knowledge of the Spike’s pathology (of course many did) and wanted to avoid barrier defenses and eliminate the “bother” of a bout of respiratory illness, you COULD, just COULD inject something that delivers the Spike to all organs, and bypass that inefficient, difficult, COSTLY(!) respiratory tract delivery, couldn’t you?
I will continue to work on treatments and preventative measures. Thank you for your readership and support.
Yep. I’m able to get some tests results by being in a long Covid trial. Liver scan shows moderate fibrosis. Pulmonary function test shows mild obstructive defect; cause TBD. Never smoked. Never had hepatitis. But do have micro clots shown on electron microscope. And off the chart high spike Ab count. My main focus to recover is to remove Spike with supplements and ivermectin. It does not appears as yet that I’ve been able to stop the progress of the little bastard.
Thank you for this. I have talked to so many other health professionals who thinks this is over. What most people do not realize.. when most medical professionals leave school they replace thinking with the safety of protocols and defer the rest of their "thought" to the intellegencia of a three letter agency.
This is just so surreal. So many excess deaths in my patients, all getting placed in various statistical categories all pointing to "something else."
In Pfizers own documents.. they KNEW the shot did not "stay" in the local depot area. Not sure why this was ever thought to be the case.. I digress. Now we are witnessing massive systemic issues.
While not the intent of your research, I cannot help but ask... why did "they" do this. ( makes little difference who they is..) The pathology was clearly known, it was designed. For those who know what they are looking at it has always been a donkey with wings. They do not occur in nature. Considering everything.. how does one move forward with this system when it is becoming more clear this was an opening volley of something... yet 99 out of 100 think this was yesterday's news.