My Current Assessment of SARS-CoV-2: It Is One Of Ralph Baric's Experimental Congestive Heart Failure Coronaviruses That Was Being Further Researched In Wuhan
I Believe SARS-CoV-2 Was Exported To Wuhan To Continue Banned GOF Research In The States
After nearly three years of spending every moment I can researching SARS-CoV-2, the reality has finally dawned on me. I am convinced that it is one of Ralph Baric’s Experimental Congestive Heart Failure Cornanviruses that was being further researched for GOF in Wuhan, once we banned GOF research here.
Remember Daszak’s initial denial of the Lab Leak Theory? He claimed it was to “protect his colleages in China.” Indeed.
Again, China knows what’s up. I hope the West will please listen to me.
God help us all.
In a model for virus-induced myocarditis and congestive heart failure, rabbit coronavirus infection was divided into acute (days 2–5) and subacute (days 6–12) phases on the basis of day of death and pathologic findings. During the acute phase, the principal histologic lesions were degeneration and necrosis of myocytes, myocytolysis, interstitial edema, and hemorrhage. The severity of these changes increased in the subacute phase. Pleural effusion and congestion of the lungs and liver were also present at this time. Myocarditis was detected by day 9 and peaked by day 12. Heart weights and heart weight-to-body weight ratios were increased, and dilation of the right ventricular cavity became prominent early in infection and persisted. In contrast, dilation of the left ventricle occurred late in the subacute stage. Virus was isolated from infected hearts between days 2 and 12. These data suggest that rabbit coronavirus infection progresses to myocarditis and congestive heart failure.
An Experimental Model for Myocarditis and Congestive Heart Failure after Rabbit Coronavirus Infection
I am working on a more complete explanation, but I believe this hypothesis must be stated ASAP.
To give you an idea where I am headed with this line of study:
GOF. Why stop at heart failure? Tropism. That's the key word here.
More than 1,500 EXCESS sudden kidney failure deaths in Massachusetts (MA) alone in the past 18 months.
It's multiple organ failure.
UNC Chapel Hill also developed the death drug Remdesivir.
If they can't kill you with covid, they will kill you with the treatment.
Thank you Walter. I agree. We are watching, in real-time, a eugenics program being conducted against innocent souls. Thanks for all the excellent work you are doing.