Jun 14Liked by Walter M Chesnut

This is great news for repairing the endothelium! I have been surprised by how post Covid healing of endothelium is very slow. I believe it is part of the Long Covid Syndrome. It looks like Indian Pennywort can even be considered an herb that is anti-aging since it lengthens telomeres. Thanks for your hard work in researching this!

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Who else studies this stuff but Walter?

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So delighted to read this recommendation, Walt!! I've been concerned with my telemere length since before Covid and certainly afterwards. Looking for solutions has been fruitless; they were either far beyond my budget or a product which didn't generate much confidence from me. I'm giving the pennywort a sincere try in a week or so along with the sea buckhorn--using liquid extract so I can mix in a morning smoothie. Herbs work far more slowly, but when they work, they produce excellent results.

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What are the ingredients in a traditional Indian spice blend?

The combination of Centella leaves, walnut, badam, cardamom, and pepper is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various health issues. Here’s a breakdown of each ingredient and its benefits:

Centella leaves: Also known as Indian pennywort, Centella leaves have been used to cure mental illnesses, improve memory, and treat fever, asthma, and cold.

Walnut: Walnuts are rich in antioxidants and have been used to improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote cognitive function.

Badam: Badam, also known as almonds, are a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and iron. They have been used to improve heart health, reduce inflammation, and promote digestive health.

Cardamom: Cardamom has been used to treat digestive issues, improve respiratory health, and reduce inflammation.

Pepper: Pepper has been used to treat various health issues, including digestive problems, respiratory issues, and fever.

Ayurvedic Remedies

The combination of these ingredients can be used to create various Ayurvedic remedies, including:

Powdered remedy: Mix equal parts of Centella leaves, pepper, and badam, and grind them together. Take 1 gram of this powder with sugar sweets in the morning to cure cardiac illnesses.

Tablets: Mix equal parts of tulsi leaves, pepper, and Centella leaves, and grind them together. Form into tablets, dry, and keep. Take 2 grams of this powder three times a day with warmed milk to improve memory.

Tea: Make tea by steeping cleaned Centella leaves in hot water. This tea can be used to treat asthma, cold, and fever.

Powdered remedy for cold and fever: Mix long pepper and Centella extract, soak, dry, and pulverize. Take 1 gram of this powder with honey twice a day to treat cold and fever.


While this combination of ingredients has been used for centuries, it’s essential to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional before using it as a remedy, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or allergies. Additionally, ensure that you use high-quality ingredients and follow proper preparation and dosage guidelines.

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is this available as a prepared product?

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Highlight Traditional Indian Spice Blend, then click web search.

Do you know how to do that?

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I get 100 different blends

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I didn't see one though.

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Thank you, Walter, for being one of the rare ones to acknowledge the amazing, miraculous benefits of herbs. Gotu kola is an important herb that has been used in India, China and many other countries for eons to benefit health. It improves cognition and has anti-aging properties! I am not convinced, however, that vitamin D supplementation is a good thing for health, though, due to possible toxicity. I now recommend sunshine instead.

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I am deeply grateful for this information. May God bless you.

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I found the Russian Olive Tree very useful for me. The leaves cured my stomach issues. So I started making a tincture out of it. Using leaves and some of the inner bark. It has 77 flavonoids, 7 alkaloids, 20 steroids, 15 amino acids, 18 organic acids, and 45 other compounds. Also according to pubmed the Harmine in it is a SR kinase inhibitor being looked at for a AIDS, and coronavirus anti viral. It’s super easy to find, and there’s a lot of info on Pubmed and Wikipedia.

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Thank you !!!!!!

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Removed (Banned)Jun 14
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Jun 14Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Your sarcasm is for what purpose?

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

I banned that user. I should not, nor should the community, have to endure that abuse. I have enjoyed keeping comments open. However, if comments like that continue, I will have to disable all comments.

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Jun 15Liked by Walter M Chesnut

You work very hard trying to come up with treatments and a cure. It’s VERY MUCH APPRECIATED.

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Thank you, Leslie. It's a tremendous amount of work, every week. All I wish to do is contribute to understanding and healing. You are appreciated, too!

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Second Leslie Benjamin. 🤗

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He always makes me smile.

Genocide, Democide, Depopulation, etc., are heavy things to carry day after day.

You have to laugh.

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RemovedJun 14
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I use it and have for the past couple years as a prophylactic. I’m a clotter, and I’ve hoped it’s kept me safe from shedders.

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