Lee, et al, Demonstrate how the Spike Protein AND Its Immune Complexes Are Responsible for the Microvascular Damage (SPED) and Brain Stem Sudden Deaths
The Brain Stem was most affected, its neurons literally being eaten alive (neuronophagia) by the resulting activated glial cells
This is some of my most important work to date. I believe and hope that much will come into sharper focus after reading this post, and that we can add the prevention of immune complex formation as an additional possible therapeutic.
First, I would like to quote from the Discussion of the paper which I will reference extensively.
Interestingly, several of the pathological findings were more prominent in the hindbrain, which is consistent with other studies although the cause remains unclear. It has been hypothesized that the virus may reach the brainstem via the olfactory pathways or the vagus nerve that innervates the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. However, we were unable to confirm the infection in the brainstem. Involvement of the brainstem could have dire consequences since many vital functions are controlled by this region. It may also explain many of the acute and persistent manifestations seen in patients with COVID-19. Importantly, five patients in our study died suddenly, most while sleeping, hence the possibility of central apnoea needs to be considered although cardiac arrythmia or dysautonomia could be contributory.
Neurovascular injury with complement activation and inflammation in COVID-19
What is interesting, and fits with my hypothesis, is that no actual virus was found in the brain.
We and others have failed to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus using a variety of highly sensitive techniques.
However, this does not excuse the Spike Protein. As I have repeatedly written, the Immune Complexes of the Spike Protein are as dangerous as the Spike itself.
Deposition of complement cascade and immunoglobulins suggests an immune-mediated injury to the endothelial cells. The antigen against which this immune response is targeted remains unknown (I have a pretty good idea what this antigen may be, don’t you?). Possibly, the antibodies are directed against an antigen on the endothelial cells, e.g. anti-idiotypic antibodies against the spike protein would bind to the ACE-2 receptor on endothelial cells. Alternatively, immune complexes formed by the antibodies and spike protein that may bind to the ACE-2 receptor on the endothelial cells. The spike protein has been shown to compromise the blood–brain barrier in vitro.
Further evidence implicating the Spike.
Elevated levels of factors involved in the classical complement pathway have been found in the plasma and autoantibodies that cross-react with brain antigens and the spike protein have been described in the CSF of patients with neuro-COVID-19. Critically ill patients with neurological manifestations have also been found to have autoantibodies in plasma and CSF against a number of CNS antigens including endothelium of blood vessels.
So, not only is there microvascular damage which causes silent strokes, silent organ damage, memory loss and other “slow burn” damage which can accumulate over time, there is a more immediate and grave danger. THE VAST ENDOTHELIAL INFLAMMATION IN THE BRAIN IS CAUSING GLIAL CELLS TO ACTIVATE AND “EAT” BRAINSTEM NEURONS.
The brainstem is compromised, and the cardiorespiratory centers collapse. Their wiring has been shorted out.
I believe this is what most of the medical community is currently not appreciating. It is also, I believe, why we are seeing so many healthy, young people suddenly dying in their sleep. Just like the severe, acute patients. The Spike Protein is patient. If it doesn’t take you out on the first pass, it bides its time.
We also found multifocal loss of neurons in the hind brain including the cerebellum. This pattern of neuronal loss cannot be attributed to hypoxia where a more diffuse pattern of injury would be expected. The damaged neurons were often in close vicinity of the activated macrophages or microglia and there was evidence of neuronophagia suggesting that the neuronal injury was secondary to glial cell activation. Neuronophagia in the brainstem of patients with COVID-19 has been described previously.
The serum proteins are also taken up by glial cells and neurons. The inflammatory process results in microglia activation causing neuronal injury and neuronophagia.
But, I do not believe it is just infection with SARS-CoV-2 that induces these immune complexes. I am greatly concerned that mRNA Spike Protein may also induce these very same, deadly endothelial torpedoes.
Presented without comment.
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Thank you Walter! Amazing work. The spike protein is deadly - no virus required. We must avoid exposure at all costs. It will be interesting to see, to say the least, what the most effective theraputics will be. I know an entire family here in Florida that got the mRNA shots - the entire family is sick right now. Thank you again for your amazing work.
My husband and I both had unvaccinated covid19 in January, we both had positive antigen tests that lasted roughly 7 days, both had very mild infections, I had complete loss of smell and taste and husband had more of a classical flu like infection. Both used ivermectin, C,D3,ECGC (green tea) zinc, olive leaf, quercitin,bromelain and others. Since then we've had no further health problems. I really hope my neurons aren't being eaten alive right now, although what a horrible world we are living in and unless something changes for the world,.I don't care about my health.